Life & Love



The circle of life starts with the first cry.

That is what we always think and understand. Logically, life begins here, but where does it end? I mean the circle of life. Surely, Death is the culmination.

But is the circle of life confined solely to the tortuosity of life and death? If not, then where does it actually begin and culminate? Well, there can be different perceptions and views.

I was talking to a friend the other day. In a tipsy mood, he started raving about his marriage. ‘ You know Reena is my love. My life started the day I got married to her, and I know that she will hold my hand till I pass out.’ Well, agreed! No doubts about that. His life began with Reena, and I pray to God that they live together for all the years to come. But how would he explain the presence of other females who continually violate the premises of the sacred circle in various capacities?

What about your mother? Doesn’t she have a role to play in your life cycle?

How can marriage be the circle of life?

What about bachelors and widowers? Should we understand that the circle of life doesn’t exist for them?
Many consider that their life revolves around children. Sure it does to some extent.

Khalil Gibran very neatly explained, ‘Your children are not your children, they are your children.’ They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself. You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth.’


Life begins when you start living it OR when it begins to live you. Life is not merely the exchange of gasses, heartbeats and raising a family.

Somebody once said, ‘Are you a macho because you can produce children? NO. Even a nerd can do that.


Life is understanding what you are, and what you envisage in your journey. It belongs to people who live their passion and achieve what they wanted, other than the cliché of the rat race and blind social obligations and following.

Passion can have different dimensions in various people. There is no age to the final destination. A  person may continue breathing to his middle age and yet not live a life. Till he discovers passion and feels alive to taste the nectar of fulfilment.
Materialistic achievements and careers may be misleading in understanding actual philosophy. Building property or touching the academic pinnacles is no way of leading a life of fulfilment. It is short-lived and frivolous. The parameters keep shifting, and perceptions keep changing.


Love is the essence of life. It gives completeness and meaning to survive. The Human brain’s tiniest part, the Amygdala of the Temporal lobe decides the person’s nature.
Imagine how a small bundle of grey fibres decide and differentiate the billions of humans from each other. Love is the fragrance and the centre’s Monarch.

For a wanderer on the cliffs of unending sultry mountains, LOVE is the vision of a fresh blue water lake amidst the green pine trees.

There is no surety of finding the oasis and no time for its discovery. Life goes astray and may forever elude emotional satiety. The man keeps consuming the raw fruit searching for the sweet apple, but may never find it and die a meaningless life.

Love is not to be looked at anywhere, nor can you wait for it to happen. There is no age or time when it will seek and consume you forever. Love just flows.

The circle of Life begins where the purity of love gets defined and deciphered. Two hearts beat in harmony and live each other’s emotions in silent syllables and distance. Everything else ceases to exist, and no other feeling or sensitivity touches the heart’s core. The mind and body amalgamate in one unit. Love-making is not done by two bodies but is accomplished by two emotional minds and thumping hearts.

Love begins at one source and finds its culmination in the lap of a person.



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