What is our relevance to society, our families, or to ourselves? This question often plagues us, especially in a world where societal judgment and social media metrics dictate our worth. It’s not about finding relevance and perfection-imperfection in the people or objects around us—it’s about embarking on a personal journey of self-acceptance. Instead of seeking …
I FEEL IMPORTANT – Is it Arrogance or my Self-respect?
Feeling important is a powerful emotion that can catalyse personal growth and self-awareness. It often arises from recognition, value, or the understanding that one’s actions have an impact. Recognizing one’s intrinsic worth, understanding one’s strengths, and acknowledging one’s contributions are pivotal steps in this journey. However, feeling important can stem from either arrogance or self-respect, …
TRUE LOVE, a ghost – we talk about, DO WE SEE?
“The ghost of love” is a poignant metaphor that encapsulates the ache of longing and the bittersweet feeling of the lingering presence of the one you loved the most and lost at some point in life. This metaphor resonates with the emotional weight of true love, like a ghost, a presence that is felt but …
So, you are RETIRED! But are you TIRED?
Retirement is the stage when life once again provides a blank sheet of paper to redesign life and create something new and different. It’s a time of unparalleled freedom and flexibility, a chance to open Pandora’s box and redefine your dreams and goals. This is when you’re firmly in control of your future, empowered to …
The Emotional Dynamics of ‘Wanting’ and ‘Needing’ (in Relationships).
‘Do you want me … or do you need me? ‘Needing’ and ‘Wanting’ in a relationship are not just words; they signify distinct emotional states and levels of dependability. Understanding this difference is crucial in navigating the complexities of relationships, and it can make you feel more informed and knowledgeable about your own emotional needs. …
SACRIFICE Versus RENUNCIATION— Our choice, what we want?
Sacrifice classically encompasses giving up something valued for a more significant cause or purpose, often with the wisdom of duty or commitment. Renunciation, on the other hand, is a journey of self-discovery and personal evolution. It’s a voluntary act of letting go or abandoning something, often to pursue spiritual or personal growth. Unlike sacrifice, renunciation …
FAME: A paradox that intrigues and perplexes.
Fame is a state of being known, talked about or written about by many people, mainly because of notable achievements. Famous is a favourable character known for its public eminence and widespread reputation. The negative side of Fame is like drinking seawater—it creates an unquenched thirst that intensifies the more you drink it. “Talent is …
Parenting is God’s supreme gift. It has prospects to nurture, teach, and watch a child grow. It amalgamates unconditional love, patience, personal growth, mutual learning and supervised guidance into an elixir of a divine relationship. It’s a sacred privilege and a profound responsibility, a commitment that can’t be shared. The enigma is whether parenting should …
Being healthy is a boon, but to be over-apprehensive about health with anxiety is a disease. A worrisome person invites trouble through excessive visits to a medical professional, leading to over-testing with an infusion of extra drugs in his system. The distress is tenfold when the person gets access to an available cyber for his …
HELLO! Are you there? — Calling myself – ‘SELF-TALKING.’
Within the realm of yourself, you are always safe and secure. So, when you engage in an internal dialogue with yourself—SELF-TALKING—there’s no need for fear. Though it may initially seem daunting, this process is therapeutic. It can assist you in identifying patterns that contribute to distress. Self-talk is a product of your subconscious mind, a …