I was recently traveling to the exotic locations of the city of Athens, Greece with my family. On one of the trips to the mesmerizing location of Acropolis , somebody pinched the small folio from my back pack. ( Although I was initially cautioned about the hooglism and pickpockets). As the bloody luck would have …
Learn to respect and love your disease – A real life example… A new Perspective.
I was sitting in my consultation chamber when a car screeched followed by an unusual honking. I am deadly against unnecessary honking, and it irritates me. Before I could check out the commotion, the door opened and without a prior appointment, a middle-aged gentleman walked in limping around with a walking stick. His affluent …
HUG, a divine way to transfer love and affection
I often wonder how HUG came into being. As a young boy, I visited a relative’s family in a distant town. I wanted to hug the individuals that I met. Well, that’s the culture in which I was brought up. I realised that everyone was uncomfortable with the formal Hug. They preferred, ‘namaste’ from …
I was ten years old when I visited my Octogenarian grandfather’s friend. They were about the same age. ‘How are you Ramchandra?’ ‘ I am Ok Shree Chand, just pulling along with this old age.’ ‘ Oh ok. Can you hear me properly?’ The conversation grew louder. ‘ya, I am hard of hearing’. ‘How …
FIVE Proven Ways to Fight FOMO
FOMO is a very stupid feeling … ‘A feeling of being missed out.’ The world seems to have stopped at one particular invitation that has become of utmost importance. This feeling can actually devastate one’s psyche, leading to a state of worthlessness. I have suffered from this menace for quite some time during my …
WAR… is Winning And Regretting.
A combat situation that blossoms no roses. WAR… is Winning And Regretting. War is a state of conflict, a perversion of mind and More so a dictum of self satisfaction of ones Ego that pushes myriad of living souls into the ambush of self immolation. Who wins in the end? Is the winner a …
First Love or The last Love… What Lasts?
First Love or Last Love — What Lasts? The first thing to understand is what love means. Anyone may have a different opinion depending on their intellect and perception. Are we to confuse Love with Infatuation? Infatuation usually happens in the TEENS when there is a sexual bloom in the body, or in the …
FIVE ways to come out of depression
Depression is a state of mind where the mood dips to an abysmal level. The person feels like a lone crusader dealing with life and the world. People’s kindness and help seemed to cease. People were unable to come out of the dark and dingy dungeon of a self-made cocoon. Nothing seems to bring …
The robotic humanoids, an alien breed.
Robotic humanoids, an alien breed. Are we talking about these lives? Are we one of them? I was in Mumbai recently on a personal commitment. In the early hours, around 5:30 AM, when most people are asleep or busy with their morning chores, I was escorted by a friend to a corporate hospital. I …
What do the ultra richie rich do?
I kind of wonder at times, what do the ultra richie rich do with their money. Rather how do they spend it in a short span, and search for that happiness. Do they wear brand new, branded undergarments with every shower? Do they sleep on a new muslin imported mattress everyday? Do they change …