
GETTING ‘PUT OFF’…At small things and situations. Don’t make it a habit.


Rahul was sitting with Reena in the Resort’s romantically illuminated, cosy corner. The ambience and closeness took an emotional turn and the duo started exploring each other’s sensuality. The passion was at a crescendo, but as luck would have it, Reena made a silly remark about a trivial issue.
Rahul got so UPSET that without caring for the lovely evening, he walked out, leaving Reena totally bewildered.
This is getting “PUT OFF”.

A Husband and Wife are at the end of a gorgeous night, and the children are fast asleep in the other room. Perfect time to make a decent love. The signals are emphatically up, and the journey is about to begin.
Suddenly the thirsty wife decides to gulp a glass of cold water and go to the loo.
The husband becomes impatient and can’t wait. He goes into a rapture of frustration. By the time the wife returns to the cosy bed, the sulking husband is GONE. The signals are down and the train is stalled at the platform forever.
This, again, is PUT OFF.

There are several such examples.

Why should we be put off?

The inability to achieve things within a given time period is very common. We can’t control a situation or the mood of another person.

I wish we had more control over this stupid feeling; things could have been brighter too.

Rahul would have still found solace in Reena’s arms if he had not walked out of the situation in frustration and disgust. A little patience could have healed the nasty situation that eventually left the duo in an unfulfilled lurch.

There is a childhood scar or mishap, that makes a person impatient and hasty. Getting frustrated by trivial situations helps no one.

I have seen an adult throwing plate at the dinner table in frustration because the food was not to his taste. This is absurd and unpardonable. The story doesn’t end here. The person used to get up from the table and walk out without eating a morsel. The EGO makes him starve.
The irony is that the family members don’t care about the insult — they just enjoy the food.
Whose loss is this?

We have to seriously work on this ‘getting put off” menace.

How about the silent ‘put offs’?

Negative thinking and getting put off by someone’s actions are even more detrimental. The other person has no clue about the sudden change in attitude.
Sulking, Brooding and building a false facade is too unhealthy for the mind. Silent ‘put-off’s can ruin a relationship forever.

The best solution is to have a healthy conversation and resolve the matter immediately.

As a mental exercise,  sit down and ponder over the habit of getting ‘put off’ frequently over trivial matters.
Think logically with an open heart and mind, while keeping aside the ego.

Remember even the best alliance and relations can GIVE UP if the other person is in a habit of throwing a tantrum and getting ‘PUT OFF’ over teeny weeny things.

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