Our life’s goals and aspirations are encapsulated in a conceptual triangle of what we ‘Deserve’, ‘Desire’, and what ‘Destiny has in store for us. ‘ These elements are interrelated based on our perceptions and beliefs. However, to achieve our desires and shape an amicable destiny, we must understand whether we genuinely deserve them. This understanding is not a passive acceptance but an active process that requires hard work and making appropriate choices to align with our goals.
The interplay of deserve, desire, and destiny forms a compelling framework for understanding human aspirations and outcomes. Here’s how these ideas connect and contrast.
Humans are ambitious; they want to create boundaries in their lives.
To DESIRE is a strong sense of wanting or yearning for something, whether material, emotional, or spiritual, or for something to happen. Desire is deeply personal and often boundless. However, desires can be noble or selfish, leading to varying consequences.
The emotion of desire commences when a child begins understanding the world around him. Desire is the mother of invention, discovery, and exploration. America would not have been part of the known world had Columbus not aspired to find new lands. Desire ignites motivation to strive for goals, shape decisions, and transform them into concrete actions. Not fulfilling a desire is worse than having one.
Desire, however, has a nasty dimension. It becomes evil not by its existence but by its excessive power, superseding satisfaction and smothering inner peace. Desire is like a fireball bursting into us, still unsatisfied and unfulfilled.
The essence of creativity loses its sheen when the desire to achieve is replaced by the desire to beat others— ‘the ego of supremacy.’
We are sincere and genuine if we ponder situations and choose the best course of action, even if it goes against our desires – ‘the kernel of compassion and empathy.’
Love is an instinct and is harmless, but the intrusion of unnatural desires in the form of mental and physical expectations makes it mentally hurtful and emotionally spiteful.
To DESERVE – is to earn or do something or have or show qualities worthy of it. It reflects fairness or merit and suggests that one’s actions, efforts, or qualities entitle one to specific outcomes. What one deserves is often debated, influenced by societal or personal values. A person may deserve success, but circumstances, biases, or randomness may intervene.
It is a reaction to appropriately rewarding or punishing a person.
‘You deserve me – I am with you’ . . . ‘You deserve my wrath – I am leaving you.’
One’s actions and behaviour determine what he truly deserves in life. A hardworking individual who treats others well and makes ethical choices may be considered to ‘deserve’ positive outcomes.
Everyone deserves love but must toil mentally and emotionally to achieve it. Before stepping off the precipice of your heart, first love yourself the way you are – You are excellent and worthy and deserve your love. Never underestimate yourself – the moment you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you had settled for.
A relationship that requires convincing and sycophancy lacks true love and respect. You deserve someone who prioritises you because he values, understands, and wants you in his life—not someone who chooses you sometimes and is indecisive about wanting to be with you.
Thriving upon farce and false adulation and buttering is wrong – you should know what’s real and what you deserve. Failing to get what you want is not because you do not deserve it but because you deserve better.
BUDDHA said, “You deserve your love and affection as much as anybody in the universe.”
DESTINY is the wizard, the conjurer of hope and the adjudicator of our desires and deserves. It is the outcome shaped by forces, circumstances, choices, and perhaps a metaphysical order. It is often endured as the ultimate arbiter and is not something to be waited for but to be achieved.
The role of destiny in our lives is ambiguous, complex, and philosophical. Some people believe that certain life events are predetermined and beyond our control. Others may argue that we can shape our lives through appropriate choices and actions, finding peace in aligning with what unfolds, and even defying expectations.
Astrology, Palmistry, Tarot Cards, Numerology, etc., are tools to assure or befool weaker hearts into channelling their desires and envisaging what they deserve.
A destiny-ordained person sits on the riverside, hoping the fish will pop out of the stream and sit in his basket. Waiting and watching what destiny has in store is superfluous. Gazing at the Milky Wave’s planetary shift to design our lives is a redundant truth. Destiny is determined by the staunchness of our decisions and not our conditioning, and the only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.
The TRILOGY of Desire, Deserve and Destiny–
The irony is that people falter at places of worship with a bundle of Desires, praying to carve a Destiny without evaluating their status, strength, and ability to Deserve it.
Let your Desires overflow – you let the midnight oil burn, and Destiny will reward you more than you Deserve. Destiny will lead you to the Deserved destination, not to what you Desire.
“I Desired true love – vested in my efforts, faith and trust, making myself worthy to Deserve Her – She became my Destiny.”
Marvelous is the only word sir…I strongly believe in what you seek is seeking you quote. Though few realise that your desires should be predominant by your deserving self worth. People first want to have then they shall become with out realizing first you you become, having will automatically follow. Regards 🙏👍
…. having will automatically follow … very correctly said. Thank you so much for the appreciation, Pooja.
The blog Desire, Deserve and Destiny-The triangle is scripted wonderfully.The concept is immensely related to human approach and values. Since childhood, we’re being advised that first deserve and then desire. We may desire something which is beyond our reach. That doesn’t mean that we should stop thinking to achieve goals or bigger goals.. Both words, desire and deserve are in juxtaposition to one another. As without deserving for anything, one may obviously feel reluctant not to desire. Contrary to it, business doyen Shri Dhirubhai Ambani was of the view that think of bigger goals to succeed in life. Though, he started his career as an ordinary employee at a petrol pump, but his sheer efforts and commitment to achieve goals made him to rise phenomenally. Now we know that destiny, more or less, is related to luck also. If your stars are favourable, the path to achieve goals become easier.. Nevertheless, depending simply on luck or stars may not normally lead to success. It’s hard work, that too with sincerity yield favourable results.. Too good Dr Anuj..
I think that no matter what you desire or deserve or depend on your destiny, it is the hard work that pays eventually. Self-evaluation about deserving regulates the desires in the correct format. Role of Destiny is debatable depending on personal attitude and belief.
Thank you so much for the input. Regards.
Thanks a lot, dear. regards
I could relate to every word mentioned about learning to ride a bicycle. It’s the challenge to learn despite falls, injections and the like that gave me the impetus to shoulder higher responsibilities.
Beautifully encapsulated write up Doctor Anuj.
Thank you, so much dear Janice, for the appreciation. Yes, I learnt lots of things by falling and getting up in life. Like we all do. Right?